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f? <br />, <br />. , <br />cxTr Or uORM oLMs°E1 <br />oRINrrANca No: 64 = <br />aYdA -- <br />'04 - <br />-? AN oREENAscE To REPM sEcavwa 375.01 ana 375.02 <br />` 4F CH11P?ER 375, ?i'PLE rtM OIF ?HE OOM'IED 4RMANCES <br />OF !`HE ? OF NOl?7H <br />? ` <br />'t'fiE RESi1L? OF ?CH, 7? ?,ORLBAID G?A? t?RI7RPIAfi1CL'! <br />? <br />BECAME EF"FECl4VE, AND lU ENJVG'"t NEIAI SEC?YiCyNB RMA?M <br />T4 1'iiE OPERAWN 0?P MO?'CJRCY+CZ.!ffi WITRN 1"H? TY Ol? <br />NOR?H OC'M8?ED, AND DZCI.ARtNG AN E1ViER+GEP?TT <br />• <br />W'Hl'"AS, THE operetion 0df matorcycles require m9u1ations <br />which are unique and which are in addi4lon to the regulationa af other motor <br />vehicles, and <br />WHEREAS, it is Council's determination to requlate said <br />motorcycles for the benefit of the motorcycle riders and for the immediete <br />protection of the public health and safety of the citizens of North Olmsted. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of ths Cgty <br />of North Olmsted, 3tate of Ohio. <br />Sectton 1: That Sections 375.01, 375.02 of Chaptsr 375, <br />Title Nine of the Codified Ordinances of the City of North Olmsted be and <br />the same are hetteby rePealed effective with the effective date of this <br />ordinance. <br />Section 2: That Sedions 375.01 to 375.13 are hereby edded <br />to chapter 375, Title Nine of the Traffic Code (Coclifiad Ordinances) of the <br />City of North Olmsted, Chapter 375 shall be known as Motorcycle <br />Section 375.01 Matorcycle defined <br />A motorcycle is hereby defined as set forth in Section 301.15 <br />and reading as follaws: <br />t <br />"Motorcycle shall be mean every mo&r vehicle other than a <br />tractor having a saddle for the use of the operator and desiqned <br />° to travel on not more than three wheels in oontact with the qround, " <br />Section 375.02 Effect of RsQulations <br />Theae requlations (applicable to hmtorcycles) shall apply when- <br />ever a motorcycle ia operated upon any street, parkinq lot, or <br />public area within the City of North Olmsted. <br />Sectio 375.03 Stntutes of Ohio and Trnffic Code Applicatioh <br />Eyery person riding aa rcycle upon a street shall be Qrenteci <br />all the riqhts and shall be subiect to all the duties applicable <br />to the drfver of a vehicle by Lhe laws of this aBte, or by the <br />Traffic Ordinanees of this City, applicable to a drlver of a vehicle, <br />in addition to special regulations contained in this Urdinance <br />and except as to those Provisions of Iaw and Ordinances which <br />by their nature can have no application.