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cirr op KoM oLUsrsn <br />' RESOttJ?K3N MO. 64 <br />8Y <br />A RUCyLUMN JIPPNMKG, T(?R REOfJ1tD PURPOS68 <br />O11LY. !H* PROPE38ED 81J1lOMSIttN KNOWN AS <br />1rt41!'M P1iU Sb?!1?B8 Mi'aM8i4N N0.. Z, and <br />DBCLAMt3111T ElntFRCIINCY. <br />.. VMMRE1i1B* the PLt 'of Kath Park Eftat*a 8ubdivialoa No. 2 <br />h+ss htotofore been filed Mritb t!o planniaq Cor»prtjsion and by it rsfecred <br />to the Councit and asid plat aordaioa s4venty-slx subtots and four streets, <br />to Mrit: Ciorden Dclw. Aad=* Ddw, Wiateria Drive and Kew Drivo. <br />, WHERBAS, said plrt hu been aPProved byttle Plaaninq <br />Commisaion aud the Citp 20910410r 4s bOinq ?conformnoo to the ordtnsnces <br />and resolutioaa of tAla City., <br />tfaw• ?HERVQIU?. U It RESOIVZD by the Coungil of the <br />City oi North Otuatod. 8tab oi Ohio; S-tton: TMt ti! Oorncil, havinq brsa adriaod that the <br />p1anuLaq C.onaeission has appm"d the plat of Natb Fack Fstefts gubdivision <br />No. Z aod tlfst the same bN !1e pMvil of the Citjr aglow and tlNt it <br />mooto the rsquiresonts oi tM oE±d,ltwams and rosolutioas of the Citjr of NoKh <br />olnoW, bwoby appm" "M_ Py* far' .,t*oot?d pucpo"s onlr. <br />SeaRion Zs !'bait tltls ftolut#oA is berirby downninsd to be <br />an emeepenc.y msasun ds"Baaemy fot the pr040rvatfm of the publtc health, <br />PNM , saiftj and wel!`ae. Iry vbtw of tlw asocessltp of qivinq lmnNdiats <br />•PRrowl bo safd plat tn vrdw tiriR p1, pr4erly dsvsicpaent o# the Citp mar <br />pn?owd as ;Opidil? as P?osalblaq WRMpM, tbis Roaolutfo4 shall take <br />effea ana b. In tom lmsodieWr „po„ tts Pe."v.. otlowise. 4t the <br />eatl iest pwtod allowed bp 1aw, <br />PA,88M <br />? <br />o•x6111, Pre:ident o1 Council <br />AZ788?: <br />Maeqaert Wist, Ciork oi di? <br />APPROVED: <br />RsiPh E. Chrlstman, INaybr. <br />. , . _.,......?.?„,?._._ , ..,:. _?..aF? .._. .?._....?.